Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lipstick Colors that Make Teeth Look Whiter

Have you ever wondered whether the lipstick shade you have on right now can make your teeth look whiter, or more pale? Well, if you haven't given it much thought, it's time you did. Choosing a lipstick shade can
make a huge difference in making your teeth appear whiter. The lipstick shade is meant to reflect off your smile to boost brightness (or the opposite). But what are these shades, and do they affect us all equally? There's only one way to find out.

Do Lipstick Shades Affect Us Equally?

Nopety nopety no. There are two factors in play here, your

  • Skin tone
  • Existing whiteness of the teeth

Some women believe that altering the shade of lipstick will make yellowish or stained teeth look whiter. That's not the case. It's true that various shades do make an impact on your smile, but it works only when your teeth are already white or somewhat close. Apart from your teeth, even the color of your skin plays a huge role in complementing the shade of lipstick you have on. Women all around the world have different skin tones, and this will affect the decision of purchasing particular shades of lipstick.

Lipstick Shades for Whiter Teeth

It's perfectly natural to be skeptical, and not believe in this theory. But on the other hand, will it bring any negative impact if you did? If you'll indulge the idea for some time, we can go over a few points that may make you reconsider.

Shades of Pale Pink

Even though nude shades look good on some, it doesn't do well when it comes to giving the illusion of whiter teeth. Instead, try bright and shimmery pinks with blue undertones.

Shades of Pink

In order to minimize yellowish tinges on your teeth, do away with see-through lip glosses. What you need is matte rose shades (with blue undertones) that will downplay the yellow in teeth.

Shades of Red

Rich reds, wine-colored, and berry shades are some of the best shades for women. Regardless of your skin tone, these shades work wonders and make your teeth stand out.

Say 'No' to What?

Although we've talked about which shades you should focus on, we haven't even discussed the shades of lipstick that you should steer clear of. The main culprits are bright orange and yellow-toned reds. The yellow-orange undertones will accentuate yellowish or stained teeth, and make your smile appeal duller. The goal is to choose shades that will reflect against the enamel of your teeth, making them look shinier than they really are.


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